Barry and his colleagues have spent years defending the Double-crested Cormorant against horrific bias and misunderstanding that has led to mass culling of the species. There has been success in Canada, but mass killing still occurs in the U.S.
These illustrations will appear in a book by Linda Wires to be published this upcoming year by Yale University Press.
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- Reserved- Double-crested Cormorant Baby Trio Five Weeks Old
- Reserved- Bald Eagle a Cormorant Predator
- Reserved- Black-crowned Night-Heron Associates with Cormorants
- Available- Channel Catfish
- Reserved- Double-crested Cormorant Mother Feeding Young
- Available- Double-crested Cormorant Landing on Water
- Reserved- Double-crested Cormorant Diving From Surface
- Available- Double-crested Cormorant Foot
- Reserved- Double-crested Cormorant Immature
- Reserved- Double-crested Cormorant Tree Nest
- Available- Double-crested Cormorants Diving Underwater
- Reserved- Double-crested Cormorant Western Race
- Reserved- Double-crested Cormorant Spread Wing Pose
- Reserved- Double-crested Cormorant Adult Male Breeding Plumage
- Reserved- Double-crested Cormorant Ground Nesting
- Reserved- Great Blue Heron and Double-crested Cormorant Post Breeding Adults
- Reserved- Great Cormorant Adult Male
- Reserved- Great Horned Owl with Prey
- Available- Hesperorinis Extinct Species
- Reserved- Little Pied Cormorant from Australia
- Available- Double-crested Cormorant Fledgling
- Reserved-Northern Raven
- Reserved- Tuffed Puffin